Friday, October 7, 2011

How to test primefaces component with JSFUnit2

As you may know JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta 2 is Out!

After successfully execute the JSFUnit2 getting started example on jboss as7, i've triyed the the integration between JSFUnit and primefaces (since it's my favorite JSF components library ;-)
First i've included the primefaces library into my test war archive in the deployement method using MavenDependencyResolver (for further details see this blog entry)

If you do not use Maven you can just put the primefaces librairy in a lib folder under WEB-INF folder and add this line to the deployement method :

.addAsWebInfResource(new File("src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/primefaces-2.2.jar"),"lib/primefaces-2.2.jar")

Second, i've modifed the index.xhtml as bellow:

After that i executed my mvn install but i got the error "PrimeFaces" is not defined... humm... may be primefaces resources wasn't injected ...

I've just added the "h:head" tag to the index.xhtml file and my test succed !!!!! witch means that the primefaces resources was included automatically and JSFUnit recognize it now ...

Note that the component test is based on components client ID, so be prudent on your component testing !!

For example if you want to test the calendar component by trying the the setValue method on your test class with the id you have gave to your p:calendar (), you get the error :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This method can not be used on components of type com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSpan

it's normal because the setValue is used for input field not for span ;-) so you should use setValue ("date_input", VALUE) instead of setValue("date",VALUE)
[Tips: you can use Firebug to inspect elements and see their client id]

I'm adding the full example for p:calendar here based on the getting starded example

Test page:

Test method:
public void testInitialPage(JSFServerSession server, JSFClientSession client)
throws IOException {

// Set the param and submit
String sDate = new Date().toString();
client.setValue("date_input", sDate);"submit_button");

// Assert that the greeting component is in the component tree and rendered
UIComponent greeting = server.findComponent("greeting");

// Test a managed bean using EL. We cheat and use the request object.

you can download the full example here

The test was done using primefaces2.2,JSF 2.0, JSFUnit2Beta2, Maven3, Jboss as7

Saturday, October 1, 2011

How to use Hibernate 3 as JPA provider in JBoss AS7

Jboss AS7 come with Hibernate 4 (even if it still in beta :-)! if you still use hibernate 3 as JPA provider in your application and you want to deploy it in Jboss AS7 ... you may know it's possible ... Humm yes you can do it just by creating a module for hibernate3 under your Jboss AS7 (how powerful server is !). So you just need to:

* Create a folder in AS7_HOME\modules\org\hibernate\3 for slot 3 to hold your hibernate 3 jars.

* Copy the hibernate 3 associated jars into this folder. For example:


* Create the AS7_HOME/modules/org/hibernate/3/module.xml file with contents :

That's it, your module now is available on your jboss 7 server, all you nedd to link it with your application is to add the followed property to your persistence unit :

Note the org.hibernate:3 on your property ;-)