Sunday, August 7, 2011

Spring3 and JSF2 integration using CDI annotations

In this blog i show you how to use @Inject in your JSF managed beans to directly inject the Spring beans instead of instantiating a Spring application context and using the getBean methode from that context and also how Spring will manage your JSF beans ;-)

In order to inject Spring beans into JSF managed beans using @Inject, the following needs to be done:






2) faces-config.xml


3) applicationContext.xml

4) JSF Managed bean

public class MainBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5012655116147710604L;
private SpringBean myBlogBean;

To keep it standard i have changed @Managedean to @Named witch is a CDI standard annotation suported by Spring also (as an alternate to @Service and @Controller)

The big problem i have found that the scope view (@ViewScoped) isn't supported by Spring (also Flash scope …) so i have developped the view scope as Spring custom scope following this article:

my bean become:

@Scope (value="view")
public class MainBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5012655116147710604L;
private SpringBean myBlogBean;

In general the big difference i have found is that Spring and JSF bean from Java EE 6 use a different scoping! Spring do not support standard scope annotation used in JSF and CDI. To get it work i have followed a workaround to import JSF/CDI bean into Spring:

Finaly with all this configuration and workarounds, i have been able to inject Spring beans into JSF using @Inject and @Named Java EE standard annotaion and a custom Spring scope to import JSF/CDI scope

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